A fun, safe private space for your child and their Tribe.

We exist to create a future where both parents and kids are empowered to feel safe and free online and to have fun experiences without worry. Fun, safe private online space for you and your tribe.

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The Product

We will setup a private Minecraft server (Endobox) for your child to play in a safe place with just them and their friends. We also provide tools and workflows to help you onboard your child’s friends and their parents and to help you form a parent group that supports their online activity


Setup and hosting of a private cloud based Minecraft server.

Hands on support from Endobox team.

Parent back channel

Setup guidance including server vision, goals and rules as well as assistance to invite and welcome other parents & their child into the game world.

Minecraft worlds including welcome room, creative world, survival world
Access to various Minecraft mini-games as applicable from time-to-time.

Endobox Minecraft server includes:

Default blocking of all external users except those specifically authorised by you (approved friends)
Admin powers for you as the server host enabling you to kick/block/manage other players.
Ability to view your child's creations live (in-game) [Requires a Minecraft account]

Alpha Customers (bonus for early sign-ups)

Personalised support in setting up your Endobox server, as well as assistance in inviting additional parents with their children, to ensure everyone has a good experience together.
Ability to give early feedback and shape the direction of the offering.
Access to our Minecraft expert to get your child’s world setup, so they really love the offering.
Access to special events and parenting resources.


Endbox Server Subscription

Endobox Simple Terms
30 August 2019

Your General

Endobox Simple Terms
Last updated: 30 August 2019

You agree to collaborate with other parents in good faith in administering the Server Operating Principles.

When accessing an Endobox system you agree that you and children under your care will abide by the server goals/vision/values and rules, collectively “Server Operating Principles”

You agree to create a safe and fun place for yourself, other carers and any children present on the server.

Children accessing an Endobox server remain under your care and you are responsible for the conduct of children under your care.

While Endobox provides tools to assist with parental supervision, you agree that you will adequately supervise your children when they are using the Endobox service.

You agree to the following:

The Service
Endobox is a set of cultural and technological tools for online collaborative game play.
You are engaging in a licence with Deming Factor PTY Ltd to use the Endobox Service.

Limitations of the service
Use of the service is at your own risk and we can’t guarantee that you nor your child will never have a negative experience using Endobox.

You acknowledge that this is a tool for minimising and managing negative experience that can happen online and we do not claim to eliminate all negative online experiences in your child's online journey.

Endobox is an independent service and is not directly affiliated with or endorsed by Minecraft or Microsoft.

The service is provided as is and is subject to change from time to time.

Alpha Testers
The Alpha version of the project has the following risks:
The alpha version of the service provides extra supervision from parents as not all desired core feature will initially be available.

Payment Endobox is provided as a subscription service.
If your account becomes overdue we reserve the right to suspend access. During the suspended period users will not be able to access the Endobox service.
Termination of the service You can cancel your subscription at any time with 30 days notice. After 7 days of cancellation other users of your server will be advised that the server has 21 days remaining online. We reserve the right to offer other approved users within your server the opportunity to take over the hosting role and payment obligations for the account.
You Endobox service and world will become inaccessible after 30 days of cancellation. The service can be restored for up to 182 days.
We reserve the right to cancel your service immediately, without refund, if you breach the terms of service. We have the right to remove other users on your server from the service if at our discretion we believe they are not abiding by the terms of service.
If your account remains overdue for over 60 days we reserve the right to take your server offline and also to delete your account.
Changes We reserve the right to change these terms from time to time. The latest version of these rules will be available via endobox.net/terms. Contact us directly if you have any concerns.